anima was born from my desire to create and publish something, and throw it to the dogs. I've always tinkered with song writing and music but was always too scared to show any of it to the world (or at least to people I knew.) It's not professional by any means, it might even be a little shit. But everything I've ever wanted out of my first project is here, and I had a fucking blast making it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
A few posters I hung up around toronto and guelph! If you saw one, you have been blessed for 10,000 years and your harvests will be bountiful.
psst! can I tell you something? Im so scared to put this out there. I'm scared what people are gonna think. Is that bad? I alwasy ask what people think but.. Im so scared to be percieved. It took everything in me to put this out. Lets keep that between us, okay? :^)